All posts by Shawn

San Diego Fishing

Did anyone besides me know that it doesn’t get light outside until about 7:15 am?

We went on a half day fishing boat today, and I had to get up at 5:00 am (yuck!!). Our boat went down to Mexican waters almost to Rosarito. Because of that, we had some Mexican beer at 8:30 am (Corona). We almost convinced Shoemoney to hug/spoon a sea lion for $200. haha That would have been a great picture, unfortunately it would also mean that we would be making the arrangements for his funeral… and that’s no fun.

Oh, and I caught 6 fish because I’m pretty much a bad ass fisherman.

Checkers Domination!

I’ve been practicing checkers for a world event coming soon, and I pretty much dominated this guy I just played. I’m white, I’m going from bottom to top and it’s my move. As you can see, he only got a single one of my pieces.

I might actually be the most glorious checkers player to ever walk on the moon!

They Found My Stolen Car

I just got a call from the San Diego Police Department letting me know that some Federal investigators recovered my stolen car somewhere in Sonora, Mexico and that they are going to mail me something and that I can come pick it up.

Well first of all, I don’t have the keys for it anymore because my insurance company technically owns it now. Secondly, how does a US Federal something-rather have jurisdiction to recover my stolen car in another country (not that I’m complaining)?

Would be funny (and nice) if my personal stuff happened to still be in the car. hah

Only 3 months and 2 weeks after it was stolen. 🙂

Cellular Signal Amplifier

More than anything, this is just a bookmark for myself. That way when/if I need it at a later date, I remember what it was! 🙂

These units are Single Band which means there are 3 separate units to serve the different carriers. Each WorkBase can fill up to 40,000 square feet and lets up to 68 users (per unit) have full reception at all times. WorkBase is optimal for warehouse stores, grocery stores, cruise ships and office buildings.


Dyson Vacuum

Here’s a marketing tip for everyone trying to sell something… be likable. I just had to buy a vacuum, and I ended up spending $500 (I can only assume it’s over-priced) on a new Dyson vacuum for the sole reason is that Dyson guy on the commercials seems like a nice guy. 🙂

Hopefully it works well too.

The Film Is Not Yet Rated: Unsuitable For Minors

I wonder if the MPAA is just pissed off they were busted for illegal movie copying when this movie was submitted to them or what?

The documentary that is critical of the MPAA was given an NC-17 rating by the MPAA. In their own words, it means this:

This rating declares that the Rating Board believes this is a film that most parents will consider patently too adult for their youngsters under 17. No children will be admitted. The reasons for the application of an NC-17 rating can be excessive violence, sex, aberrational behavior, drug abuse or any other elements which, when present, most parents would consider too strong and therefore off-limits for viewing by their children.

I can’t wait to see this movie now… Something critical of the MPAA, and we might get excessive violence, sex and drugs thrown in there as well (I’m hoping for all of the above). Either way, it surely will be interesting to see what’s in there that the MPAA is trying to protect our youth from. 😉

While I can’t be 100% critical of the MPAA since I haven’t seen the movie (for all I know, maybe 50% documentary and 50% porn), from the description it sounds like every other PG-13 Hollywood flick to me…

We’ve had investigative documentaries about Wal-Mart, about Enron, about burgers and newspapers and the whole military-industrial can of worms. So it was high time we had one about the corporate world of Hollywood moviemaking, and that is what Kirby Dick has given us, indirectly, with this extremely watchable study of the Motion Picture Association of America, or MPAA: a bureaucratic creature of the Hollywood studio system which enforces self-regulatory censorship.

Dick reveals it to be a bizarre institution: secretive, cantankerous and paranoid, high-handedly slapping certificates on movies ranging from G – all ages allowed – up to an R (under-17s need parent or guardian present) and then an R-17 (no under-17s allowed at all). This last rating is the equivalent to our 18 certificate, less strict by one year, but still commercial catastrophe for film-makers hoping to get their product out to the all-important youth market. The MPAA never discusses its reasoning, and never reveals the identities of its “raters” or members of its absurdly pompous “appeals board” which, in certain cases, will grandly condescend to reconsider its verdict, prior, in the vast majority of cases, to solemnly announcing that the original decision was correct.

Maybe the fact that it’s a documentary and not a work of fiction makes it more damaging to our youth or something. If that’s the case, then I guess the MPAA more or less confirmed the movie’s validity that the MPAA’s rating system is whacked out. {shrug}


A trailer for the PG-13 “Teaching Mrs. Tingle” was rejected when a shot of a dog licking a wine bottle was said to promote teen drinking.

Maybe the MPAA shouldn’t press the internal “red alert” button if someone is critical of them. It’s actually quite fun to see what people *really* think about you (at least IMO). This guy thinks I’m an ‘egocentric homosexual’ for example. And a ton of environmentalists have no love for me over here as another example. See? It’s fun. 🙂

Plus it would be super lame and boring if everyone in the world liked you.

LoJack Early Warning Recovery System

I went to pay for my new car today (the dealer doesn’t actually have it yet, but I guess there was some $2,500 Labor Day rebates that I could get if I paid for it and did all the paperwork now), and I opted for LoJack’s Early Warning Recovery System. That way if my car moves without me in it, I’ll get a phone call and text message instantly. 🙂

Then I can run out there and uhm… see if the thief is going to kill me or not I guess. Hopefully I can kill him first if it comes down to that (maybe I’ll just fling a stingray on him [I know that’s not really funny, but if you think about it, it is kinda… and Steve Irwin would think it’s funny too]). 🙂


Oh yeah… they said I should have my car this week (hopefully).

Steves Shot And Killed

One Steve (Foley) was shot by a off-duty police officer, while another Steve (Irwin) was killed by a stingray today (well yesterday now).

The San Diego Chargers’ Steve Foley was shot Sunday by an off-duty policeman who had followed him to his home after noticing Foley’s car driving erratically, a sheriff’s investigator in San Diego, California, said.

The 30-year-old, nine-year NFL veteran was shot twice; his wounds are not believed to be life-threatening, said San Diego Sheriff’s Department Lt. Dennis Brugos.

Steve Irwin, the Australian TV presenter known as the “Crocodile Hunter,” has died after being stung in a marine accident off Australia’s north coast.

Australian media reports say Irwin was diving in waters off Port Douglas, north of Cairns, when the incident happened on Monday morning.

Irwin, 44 was killed by a stingray barb that went through his chest, according to Cairns police sources. Irwin was filming an underwater documentary at the time.

Ambulance officers confirmed they attended a reef fatality Monday morning off Port Douglas, according to Australian media.

Queensland Police Services also confirmed Irwin’s death and said his family had been notified. Irwin was director of the Australian Zoo in Queensland.

He is survived by his American-born wife Terri and their two children, Bindi Sue, born 1998, and Robert (Bob), born December 2003.

Crazy that the Crocodile Hunter was finally killed (and not by a crocodile)… That dude would jump into a murky swamp in the middle of the night to wrestle a 16′ crocodile, and a little stingray does him in. Weird.


Steve Foley is done for the season “officially” now.

It’s My God Damn Birthday!

Today is a glorious event… It is the anniversary of the day that I was brought forth into this world to entertain you with my random musings.

September 1st, 1975 is when I was born. That means my parents were doing the naughty deed on New Years Eve.

More importantly, I have 2 friends in real life and both of them are too cheap to buy me a card (it’s really a sad life I lead to be honest). So what I want for my birthday is for people reading my blog to write “Happy Birthday Shawn” on something and take a picture of it with themselves and post it. Bonuses will be awarded if it’s a tattoo, if you are a hot girl or if you are a big fat dude.

Also, I will commit seppuku if I get none.


Okay, I just realized that New Years was 8 months before, not 9. Oh well… whatever. Doing the naughty deed around Thanksgiving I guess.

12′ Ceilings Are High

I didn’t realize how tall 12 foot ceilings are until I walked around the guest house today (since it now has trusses it’s easy to gauge). They are pretty high up there.

The nice thing about it is we can setup some interesting stuff indoors… like a climbing wall, base jumping, hang gliding indoors, etc.

Canon VB-50i PHP Control Class

I tried to find a PHP class to control the new camera, and I couldn’t find one… so a little packet sniffing later, I was able to figure out how it’s little Java applet communicates with the camera. Anyway, I spent a few minutes to make a PHP class to control the camera, so if you need one, here you go (it hasn’t been extensively tested, so it probably has problems… if it does, leave a comment)…

So here’s a basic PHP script that uses the class to take control of the camera, set the pan/tilt/zoom to a certain position, capture the image and save it to a file… handy for uhm… I dunno… a cron job to take time lapse photography. 🙂

$cam->goto( -7463, -548, 4126);
sleep(5); // Wait for movement to finish and lens to focus

$handle = fopen(‘images/’ . time() . ‘.jpg’, ‘w’);
fwrite ($handle, $cam->image());
fclose ($handle);


class_camera.php:[code=php]host = $host;
return $this->connection_id = substr(file_get_contents (‘//’ . $host . ‘/-wvhttp-01-/OpenCameraServer?client_version=LiveApplet_4125&image_size=640×480’), 14, 9);

* Disconnects from the camera
* @return none
function disconnect()
file_get_contents (‘//’ . $this->host . ‘/-wvhttp-01-/CloseCameraServer?connection_id=’ . $this->connection_id);

* Attempts to get control of camera
* @return none
function get_control()
file_get_contents (‘//’ . $this->host . ‘/-wvhttp-01-/GetCameraControl?connection_id=’ . $this->connection_id);

* Get camera info
* @return array of camera info variables
function get_info()
preg_match_all (‘#(.*?)=(.*)#’, file_get_contents (‘//’ . $this->host . ‘/-wvhttp-01-/GetCameraInfo?connection_id=’ . $this->connection_id), $matches);
foreach ($matches[1] as $key => $value) {
$this->camera_info[$value] = $matches[2][$key];

* Move camera
* @param string Movement type (pan | tilt | zoom)
* @param number Position to move to
* @return none
function move($operation, $position = 0)
file_get_contents (‘//’ . $this->host . ‘/-wvhttp-01-/OperateCamera?’ . $operation . ‘=’ . $position . ‘&connection_id=’ . $this->connection_id);

* Set pan/tilt/zoom on camera with one call
* @param number pan position
* @param number tilt position
* @param number zoom position
* @return none
function goto($pan, $tilt, $zoom)
$this->move(‘pan’, $pan);
$this->move(’tilt’, $tilt);
$this->move(‘zoom’, $zoom);

* Set parameter
* @param string paramter to set
* @param string value
* @return none
function set_value($parameter, $value)
$mapping = array (
‘back_light’ => ‘B’,

$parameter = $mapping[$parameter];

file_get_contents (‘//’ . $this->host . ‘/-wvhttp-01-/OperateCamera?’ . $parameter . ‘=’ . $value . ‘&connection_id=’ . $this->connection_id);

* Get current image
* @return none
function image()
return file_get_contents (‘//’ . $this->host . ‘/-wvhttp-01-/GetOneShot?image_size=640×480’);


Correction And Apology

On August 25, 2006, I published some information that turned out to be entirely false. I sincerely apologize to those of you that I inadvertently mislead with this post.

In that entry, I stated that I didn’t get stitches from my surgery. But new information has come to light this morning that now leads me to believe that I did indeed get stitches. This information came from the surgeon that did my surgery. I attended my post-op checkup this morning and I made an inquiry about the lack of stitches and he stated, “You have stitches, but they are under the skin. The last stitch was tied off and cut at the skin, so you can’t see it.” While I have not actually cut myself open to examine myself to see if I indeed have stitches, I don’t have any reason to believe he would have lied to me about it.

Again, I apologize for disseminating false information.

…Unless It’s Night Time

It doesn’t work so well inside a dome at night with the infrared illuminator on. 🙂

If 2Wire’s crappy router would let me remotely configure it, maybe I could open up the ports on the firewall so I could get into the camera configuration…. but no, I have to drive there. So dumb.

Gmail Spam Filtering Isn’t So Hot

In theory, Gmail’s spam filtering is supposed to get smarter as you “train” it by tagging spam emails that slipped through their spam filters. I’ve been anal about going through every single email and tagging every spam email as such in the hopes that it would get smarter. In reality, I think it might actually be getting dumber though, considering how much spam is making it to my inbox these days (it’s not a new thing BTW, I’ve been getting tons of spam in it for the last year, and it’s only been getting worse).

I doubt there’s an “easy” way to fix it (otherwise it would have been done), but I really wish Gmail would let us define our own custom spam rules. For example, if an email isn’t in English, it’s spam (for me anyway) considering I don’t read Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Greek, Hebrew, etc.

Check out the most recent emails in my inbox this morning (only 1 of them [the white line] is not spam).

I Almost Have The Camera Live

It’s mounted on a pole, it’s had Internet connectivity to the site since Thursday, it’s been plugged in since Friday and I was planning on hooking up the Ethernet cable and configuring it on Friday, but I was too tore up to leave my home.

Figuring I would do it today, I went to the site and wired up the Ethernet cable and all that. Then I realized I forgot the stupid little $0.05 connector that connects 2 RJ-45 ends together. How dandy! 🙂 I guess another trip tomorrow is in order now.

BTW, it looks like the roof trusses were delivered this morning for the guest house and attached garage.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Thank God for this game because it is an utter time waster and I’ve had to lay around doing nothing the last few days. I don’t really like RPG games, but I got it for my Xbox 360 because it was the highest rated game for it, and there really wasn’t any games I was overly interested in.

But here’s a question for anyone who’s been playing it… Is there any merchant with more than 1,200 gold available to buy stuff? I have about 100,000 gp worth of Deadric weapons and armor (like a crap load of 5,000 gp Deadric Warhammers, Claymores, etc.), but I don’t want to sell them because I can only get 1,200 gp for them since that’s all the money the merchant has.

Dude, Where’s My Car?

I’m not really one to complain (that often), but why in the hell does it take so long to build an f’ing car??? It’s now been over 3 months since my car was stolen, and I ordered a new one 1 week after it was stolen (before the insurance company considered it a loss since I knew it wasn’t going to be recovered), and I *still* don’t have a new car. I finally called the dealer to make sure they didn’t get it and sold mine to someone else or something. Nope, it’s still “in route”… My vehicle was finally built on August 10th, so the dealer’s best guess is that it was somewhere on a train to be delivered to them in the next week.

I’m infinitely thankful to Stefan for letting me use his sweet Nissan Pathfinder (and more recently his BMW X5), but enough is enough… Can I please get my own car now? Please?

DynDNS for 2Wire Products?

Anyone know of some super awesome secret way to make a 2Wire Internet gateway also act as a dynamic DNS client? Since it’s a FTTP (fiber to the premises) gateway and not a “normal” DSL modem, I’m pretty sure I can’t just swap it out with something else that supports DynDNS.

The little I poked around the web interface, it seems pretty decent, other than no DDNS support. 🙁

In case anyone can help, the one I have is a HomePortal 300 series residential gateway.

No Stitches

I changed my little bandage thing today and uhm… I have no stitches. I have a 3 inch incision in my abdomen and I have no stitches. Does anyone besides me think that’s a little weird? What if my guts came spilling out or something if I cough too hard? 🙂

Vicodin Doesn’t Do Shit

I ended up taking 4 Vicodin last night, and it doesn’t do a God damn thing for me except make me feel like I’m about to puke. Certainly didn’t help with the pain.

So I don’t think I’m going to take anymore pain killers. Which I guess is a moot point because as long as I lay perfectly still it doesn’t hurt anyway. 🙂

I Was Stabbed

I had my incisional hernia repair surgery today, and it was quick and easy…

But now after the surgery, it straight up feels like I was stabbed with an 8″ blade in my gut, and then someone jammed it around in there just for good measure. Thank God I waited until after Costa Rica to do this.

Okay, I’m going back to laying down in the living room now.

AT&T U-Verse Is Going To Be Rad

I was talking to the SBC/AT&T guys that installed the Internet connectivity at the job site today and having fiber to the door is going to have some really cool advantages early next year (right now they just run phone and 6Mbps Internet across it). At that point the “standard” Internet connectivity on it should be 20Mbps down/3Mbps up. But they were also talking about the U-Verse television service which more or less streams television on demand. They were saying you could be watching a football game for example and you could control which camera angle you want to watch the game from. 🙂

That’s going to be pretty dope!

Royal Flush

Played a little Texas Holdem poker last night, and I got a pretty decent hand… A royal flush. 🙂

But here’s the crazy part… a few hands later I got a straight flush (king high). Both hands were diamonds too.

More importantly, I have witnesses! hah

Too bad I lost overall for the night… Oh well…

AT&T U-Verse

My new place has fiber to the door, so there’s some bad news, and some great news to go along with that. The bad news is that I can’t get DSL. The great news is I can get something way better and cheaper (6Mbit connectivity over fiber for $27/month).

If all goes well, we should have Internet out on the job site on Thursday. Yay!