All posts by Shawn

Coldplay and The Magic Numbers

How in the F did Coldplay and Magic Numbers sneak into my iTunes/iPod? Somehow I have the full albums! They have been there for like 6 months, and been to lazy to delete those albums (they do suck). Coldplay are a bunch of whiney bitches.

I think someone broke into my house and put that crap on my iTunes.

I’m A Cowboy!

After playing some frisbee gold yesterday, Julien, Jay and Paul dragged me to Incahoots (a cowboy bar/line dancing place) because on Thursday, you can get a steak, potato and beer for $5.95. Not a bad deal even if it was a crappy steak… but amazingly enough it was actually a pretty good steak too.

Steak, Spuds, & Suds – Enjoy a sizzling steak, baked potato & ice cold draft beer from 5:00-9:00 p.m. for only $5.95.

The best part about it though is it’s an absolute requirement of this place to have your shirt tucked in (out of respect for the cowgirls)… So we were looking pretty good with our t-shirts tucked in. Especially me because I had shorts on. πŸ™‚

But whatever… I guess $5.95 for dinner and beer is worth looking stupid, so I’ll be there next week! πŸ˜‰

(this isn’t us, just a picture from their site)

Making Kids Cry

I saw this a couple weeks ago and forgot to post it on my blog, so a little late is better than never I suppose. πŸ™‚

What a nice dad… make your kid cry (and probably crap his pants) and videotape it for your viewing pleasure. haha

Voice Controlled Blender (Blendie)

Okay, this is kind of odd… this is a blender you scream at to make it work. πŸ™‚ (link to blueprint)

People induce the blender to spin by sounding the sounds of its motor in action. A person may growl low pitch blender-like sounds to get it to spin slow (Blendie pitch and power matches the person) and the person can growl blender-style at higher pitches to speed up Blendie. The experience for the participant is to speak the language of the machine and thus to more deeply understand and connect with the machine. The action may also bring about personal revelations in the participant. The participant empathizes with Blendie and in this new approach to a domestic appliance, a conscious and personally meaningful relationship is facilitated.


Check How Much You Pay For Crap

Geez man… I’ve been paying $140/month for my 6Mbit DSL line from SBC for years. Today I ran across something that shows 6Mbit DSL lines from SBC are $44.99/month with a 1 year contract or $59.99 if you pay month to month.

So I called them and asked what the difference was between my $140/month DSL and their $45/month DSL… Uhm, nothing is different… only the price.

“Gee, can I get the cheaper price then?”

“Sure, let me change if for you.”

“Am I going to have any downtime?”

“No, it’s a price change only. Your service will be exactly the same and won’t be affected.”

Nice… so I overpaid them like $2,000 in the last 2 years. haha Oh well…

Cat Piano

What gets me is the guy that invented this thing probably spent months “perfecting” it. What an excellent use of his time while his friends were out inventing useless things like a telephone or steam engine.

In order to raise the spirits of an Italian prince burdened by the cares of his position, a musician created for him a cat piano. The musician selected cats whose natural voices were at different pitches and arranged them in cages side by side, so that when a key on the piano was depressed, a mechanism drove a sharp spike into the appropriate catÒ€ℒs tail. The result was a melody of meows that became more vigorous as the cats became more desperate. Who could not help but laugh at such music? Thus was the prince raised from his melancholy.

Random Email #5

Another weird one I just got…

Hi I am Denise, I have a 1993 Geo Tracker and the check engine light is on. I did replace the 02 sensor and did a tune up with all new plugs and the check engine light is still on. Not sure how many 02 sensor’s are in my tuck but a mechanic said it could be the o2 sensor, so can you assist me on what I need to do.
And let me know how many sensors are in my tracker, Thank You.

{scratching head} Did you try calling a car dealer, or someone that knows anything about car engines? If your car runs on PHP or HTML I could probably help you, but otherwise…

Anyone Miss Me?

I’m back from visiting Trent and Jamie in Michigan. We had a couple awesome snowboarding days with pretty much perfect conditions. Even drug Jamie into the back-country where she was blazing new trails. πŸ™‚

Collin is a cute little bastard (he is 11 months old now).

I know *some* people missed me… because I couldn’t make 2 different sushi invites, and I also couldn’t save Bobby’s softball team as a fill-in since they were a couple players short (surely I would have given them their first win). πŸ™‚

I Know These Guys

I don’t know why I thought this photo was funny enough to make a whole post about it… but I’ve known these guys (brothers) since they were wee little lads in high school. Don’t Nick and Drew look like a happy little crew?

If you are bored, check out their band.

Dell PowerEdge 1855 Blade Server

I’m looking at the possibility of moving some stuff I’m doing to blade servers. Anyone have any experience with blade servers in general? And if so, now is the time to gimme some input! πŸ™‚

This is what I’ve been looking at lately…


Then I could just pop in a new blade (computer) when I need more power. A 7U blade chassis will hold 10 blades/computers, so a 7U chassis could hold 40 Xeon processors, 120GB RAM, 2.9TB drive space (15k rpm Ultra 320 SCSI)

I Am The Foosball Champion!!!

All I know is that I’m awesome… and this is why…

Julien and I went to go practice some golf at the driving range this afternoon (by the way, I still utterly suck at hitting golf ball with a driver of any sort). We also played on the “short game” area (pitch and putt) which we both ended up being pretty good at… Well at least better than I was yesterday.

I ended up having dinner over at his place, and helping them break in their new glorious BBQ pit with marshmallows and beer.

Now to the good part… Julien’s roommate Scott is basically this unbeatable Foosball android where if you can touch the ball once the entire game you are doing well (I would guess he hasn’t been beat at Foosball since the 1980s). So of course I got suckered (again) into playing Foosball against Scott, only this time we each could only use our left hand. Anyway… long story short is I beat him DOWN 11 to 9.

Take that Scott!!!!!!

How do you like me now?!?!?!?!???

Oh my god, I’m awesome…

Playing Apple DRM Music Outside of iTunes/iPod?

Does anyone have a solution for playing music purchase at the Apple Music Store outside of iTunes or an iPod?

I’m going to be having a central audio distribution system in my house, but I just realized that music I purchase from the Apple Music Store isn’t going to work on anything outside of iTunes/iPod… Lame!

Makes me want to buy old school CDs and rip them instead of buy music electronically.

Life Without Electricity

I woke up this morning and there was no electricity in my house…

“Oh yeah… SDG&E sent me a letter telling me it as going to be off from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm today.”

Gee, that sucks. No electricity means no computers, no Internet, no nothing basically. My housekeepers are coming today too… I wonder how they are going to vacuum? hah

In case you are wondering how I’m writing this… it’s a laptop connected to the Internet via my cellphone. Not quite as fast as the 6Mbit I normally get. πŸ™‚

Cheney Shoots Campaign Contributor

Harry Whittington, a 78-year-old lawyer, was shot by our vice president, Dick Cheney over the weekend while Cheney was quail hunting.

He contributed $1,000 to Bush’s 2000 presidential campaign and $2,000 to his 2004 re-election bid.

Nice “thank you” for donating, eh? πŸ™‚


Harry Whittington had a minor heart attack today after a piece of birdshot (from the gun blast) made its way into his heart.