All posts by Shawn

Satanist Running For Minnesota Governor

Wait, what? I don’t even know what to say about this one, but Jonathon “The Impaler” Sharkey is running for Governor of Minnesota in 2006.

The picture I have was taken from his campaign website. hahaha…


Honesty is very seldom heard nowadays, especially from a politician. So, I am going to break from political tradition. My name is Jonathon รขโ‚ฌล“The Impalerรขโ‚ฌย Sharkey, Ph.D., L.D.D.D. I am a Satanic Dark Priest, Sanguinarian Vampyre and a Hecate Witch. My Magikal Path name is: Lord Ares.

I despise and hate the Christian God the Father. He is my enemy.

Well… isn’t that neat… ๐Ÿ™‚ Maybe this guy can make sure that whoever stole my snowboard stuff (see previous entry) really does burn in hell.

I kind of want this guy to win, because it will be years of good material for Conan, Jon Stewart, Saturday Night live, etc. ๐Ÿ™‚

New Snowboard Junk

I got a new snowboard (and some other stuff to do with it today)… I ended up getting a Burton Custom 154, Flow bindings some new boots and some *really* nice gloves (having cold or wet hands SUCKS!).

Anyway, just in case whoever stole my previous gear out of the back of my truck is reading this… “It sucks for you, because now you are going to hell and you are going to have no use at ALL for my snowboarding gear in hell. And if I ever see you, I’m going to stab you!”

Lame ass took EVERYTHING from the back of my truck… snowboard, boots, gloves, beanie, thermal underwear, socks, frisbees, etc.

Schematic Design Review

The 2nd (of 3) design reviews by the design board (for the HOA) where my house is going to be built is done. It was approved on the first try submittal (yay!).

I think the final submittal is basically just the working drawings (same thing you submit to the county to get permits). If all goes well, that could be in 5-6 weeks.

Chuck Norris Facts

What’s the deal with Chuck Norris lately? I seem to run across his name everywhere these days…

From //

  • Crop circles are Chuck Norris’ way of telling the world that sometimes corn needs to lie the fuck down.
  • The Great Wall of China was originally created to keep Chuck Norris out. It failed misserably.
  • There is no theory of evolution, just a list of creatures Chuck Norris allows to live.
  • When Chuck Norris sends in his taxes, he sends blank forms and includes only a picture of himself, crouched and ready to attack. Chuck Norris has not had to pay taxes ever.
  • Chuck Norris drives an ice cream truck covered in human skulls.
  • Chuck Norris does not hunt because the word hunting infers the probability of failure. Chuck Norris goes killing.
  • In fine print on the last page of the Guinness Book of World Records it notes that all world records are held by Chuck Norris, and those listed in the book are simply the closest anyone else has ever gotten.
  • There is no chin behind Chuck Norris’ beard. There is only another fist.

I’m Going To Enter The 2006 NFL Draft

I was in Mexico on Saturday helping give out gifts and feed kids (I never want to see another hot dog or piece of carne asada in my life), and we took a break to play a little street football.

I never realized how awesome I am at football… I caught the only touchdown for our team (we only had one) and on defense I had 2 defended passes and all the interceptions for our team (2). In fact the whole game ended when their quarterback quit after my second pick.

So, I’m hereby entering the 2006 NFL draft. I should be a high 2nd rounder I’m thinking. I can play offense and defense!

Oh… did I mention that the kids I played against were all 10-15 years old? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Someone Finally Got A Car Stereo Right

Wow… I was starting to think that no car stereo company would “get it right” and give me exactly what I wanted. Not only did they get it right, but it’s better than I wanted (detachable GPS for example)…

I wanted a double-din deck with a touch screen (I even tossed around the idea of having a company rewire the IVA-300 touch screen to not be motorized because the PulseTouch screen is so nice (but not double-DIN). There was absolutely no option for bluetooth built into an aftermarket car stereo. I wanted iPod control, but it was annoying to have a hideaway box to get it. I also wanted a navigation system with the ability to see live traffic on it (also annoying it required a hideaway box). I went over it all over here and here.

So anyway… check this out…

Alpine came out with a double-DIN sized deck (the IVA-W200). It’s certainly more than I was expecting… double-DIN, with a PulseTouch screen (only the 2nd deck in the world with it), built-in iPod control (no need for a hideaway box) and Bluetooth (KCA-100BT module). As a bonus, it’s a DVD player too. Oh, and it has a steering wheel remote jack as well (you can still use your steering wheel controls without an IR blaster).

They also came out with the Blackbird (PMD-B100) portable navigation unit. The cool thing about this you don’t need a bulky hideaway DVD unit (with map data), since it’s portable, it’s all self-contained. It has a docking unit (which you could throw in your glovebox or something) so when it’s docked, you don’t have to see it and you can just access it from your deck when you want to. It also does live traffic data as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

What the hell? Could it possibly be that someone did it exactly right? I guess we’ll see in March. ๐Ÿ™‚

Central Audio/Video Distribution

Okay, I finally sat down tonight and figured out what I *think* I need (at least it’s a start so the experts have something to start with) to do centrally distributed audio/video for the house.


So I’m thinking every room (minus bathrooms, except for master) should be an audio “zone” as well as the pool house and then 3 zones for audio outside (front yard, back yard and golf area). That works out to 20 audio zones. Three of those should be 7.1 surround (living room, home theatre and master bedroom) with everything else being 2 channel stereo. So after figuring that out, now what in the hell sort of equipment do I need to make all this work? Maybe this (this is all Crestron stuff)…

  • CNX-BIPAD8 (3 of them) – CAT5 24×8 distributor (24 possible sources in, 8 rooms out) any room could be on any source so 3 of these will cover 24 “rooms/zones”
  • CNAMPX-16X60 (2 of them) – 16 channels x 60 watts each (8 rooms per amp, 16 rooms total)
  • CNAMPX-2X60 (1 of them) – 2 channels x 60 watts each (1 room)
  • CNAMPX-7×200 (3 of them) – 7 channel x 200 watts surround sound amp (3 of them for the 3 rooms I want 7.1 in)
  • C2N-DAP8 (3 of them) – 7.1 surround sound processor
  • AAS-4 – Digital Audio Server (250GB of MP3s, able to output 4 independent streams as sources to the distributors)
  • CEN-IPOD – iPod dock

So in the end what would that give me? I would have the ability to pipe any of the 5 sources (4 unique streams of MP3 and music from an iPod) to any specific zone, plus with the ability to hook up 11 additional sources, you could pick up the audio output of a computer for example and use it as another source.


So this is where it gets even more complicated. I want all TVs to be running digital signals (HDMI/HDCP) where possible. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like Crestron has any equipment to run HDMI signals. Another problem is the HDMI signals are going to be coming from the server room, so you start to run into a cable length issue. So… enter Gefen.

  • EXT-HDMI-444 (2 of them) – 4×4 HDMI switch (4 sources switchable between 4 outputs. 2 of them should give 4 sources switchable between 8 outputs)
  • EXT-HDMI-244 (2 of them) – 2×4 HDMI splitter (2 sources switchable between 4 outputs. Need this to split the 4 master sources to the 2 4×4 switchers.)
  • EXT-HDMI-1000HD150B (3 of them) – 150′ HDMI fiber extender
  • EXT-HDMI-1000HD100B (4 of them) – 100′ HDMI fiber extender

The lengths are just guesses, but that setup would let me run HDMI signals over fiber at full 1080p resolutions (1920×1080).

What would really simplify this would be if there was a 4×8 HDMI switcher available. But I couldn’t find a company that offers a HDMI switcher/matix except for Gefen. I didn’t even attempt to go digging for a dual link (Type B) HDMI switcher. hehe

At least this gives me something to start with when dealing with the home automation guys… now I don’t have to meet when them and just be like, “Duuuuhhhhhhh… I don’t know what I want/need.”

It also made me realize I want conduit running to every place a TV could be.

Wearable Video iPod Screen

eMagin is making a wearable iPod video screen. Apparently they didn’t realize iPods are more about their “cool factor” than anything else… But for those that want to walk around town looking like the borg, now you can! ๐Ÿ™‚

“Suddenly you’ve got this big-screen, movie-screen, home-theater experience, wherever you are,” said Gary Jones, eMagin’s president and CEO.

Amputee Porn

Last night when I was at Shawn and Allison’s apartment for New Years Eve, somehow we ran across something that I never knew existed… Amputee porn.

I don’t remember how we ended up finding it, but uhm… wait… amputee porn? People pay a membership fee to look at naked chicks with no legs/arms?

After that, no matter what anyone says about me… I’m normal.

Buying A Ferrari

Okay… first of all, let me make it clear that I’m not buying a Ferrari… Even if I did, I don’t even have a place to put one for about a year (when the house is done).

But I remember reading somewhere (or maybe someone told me) that there was a multiple-year wait to get one. So I figured I would just ask to see how long the wait was (it would be fun to have a cool sports car *someday*).

Currently it’s a 4 year wait. And here’s the good part… you can’t get on the waiting list unless you already own a Ferrari. That’s so idiotic it (almost) makes me want to never buy one in my whole life. So basically you have to buy a used Ferrari (for more than the cost of a new one) to get on the list to be able to get a new one.

That’s just stupid if you ask me.

“…Shove It Up My Weener Hole…”

I think Shawn (a different Shawn, not me) gets the award for the best comment on my blog for 2005…

“I will just shove it up my weener hole whenever I visit.”

It’s pretty funny when taken out of context… and just as funny when it’s in context (original comment).

As an award for Shawn, I will not post him in a bikini for all of 2006. Good job Shawn! Hopefully you win again next year, otherwise I’m posting it on January 1, 2007.

I Need To Be More Dorky

I just realized that it’s been weeks since I had something dorky to say (like programming or something to do with MySQL for example).

Just so you know that I am still dorky, here’s some PHP code for you (from my post over here)…

This will put the keywords that someone searched on to reach your site (works with Yahoo, AOL, MSN and Google) into the $keywords variable.

[code=php]$parse = parse_url($_SERVER[‘HTTP_REFERER’]);
$se = $parse[“host”];
$raw_var = explode(“&”, $parse[“query”] );
foreach ($raw_var as $one_var) {
$raw = explode(“=”, $one_var);
$var[$raw[0]] = urldecode ($raw[1]);
$se = explode (“.”, $se);
switch ($se[1]) {
case ‘yahoo’:
$keywords = $var[‘p’];
case ‘aol’:
$keywords = $var[‘query’];
$keywords = $var[‘q’];
unset($parse, $se, $raw_var, $one_var, $var);[/code]

Weeeeeeeeeee! Can I go to bed now?

I’m Sexy!

Sometimes I forget about how god damn sexy I am.

This is what happens when I’m out trying to pick up cows and my pimp juice is flowing.

If I had an identical twin brother, I would seriously consider a life of homosexuality (and incest I suppose).

So seriously, I want to know what you think… On a scale of 1 to 10 with 6 being the highest, how sexy do you think I am? ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S. – It’s amazing that Gisele Bundchen hasn’t called me since her and Leonard DiCaprio split up, don’t you think? Obviously she hasn’t seen *this* picture of me.


I was just informed that Gisele is dating Kelly Slater, so it makes sense about her not calling me now.

Letterman’s Restraining Order Overturned

David Letterman successfully had the restraining order against him overturned.

“I appealed to the court for a restraining order to keep this man away from me, but now that’s been denied me,” she said. “He has access to me. He can actually come for me or send people. He has many accomplices. I know this sounds crazy. I was crazy to have listened to him in the beginning.”

Well… at least she KNOWS she sounds crazy. ๐Ÿ™‚


The Big Portland Move

I know it’s in terribly bad taste to make fun of someone’s blog (especially since this one sucks), but when someone starts ripping on San Diego, S.D. has to represent bitches! (I’m 3rd or 4th generation San Diegian) ๐Ÿ™‚


Actually, now that I dig into it a little more, I don’t even have to say anything, all I have to do is quote his blog (keep in mind this is a dude)…

He can knit, so I guess it’s not *all* bad. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Our good friend and neighbor Wendy has taught me how to knit!

I will be hanging out and just knitting up a storm…

…knitted for about two hours while watching “The Muppet Show”…

S.D. in da’ house!

Some Frisbee Golf

I think the last time I played frisbee golf was around Thanksgiving (and it was many months for the time before that). I used to play every week, but lately I just haven’t.

Anyway, you will be glad to know that I didn’t (completely) forget how to play. Had a mediocre front-9, and finished 1 under par for the day. I need to get back to playing weekly.

Man Arrested For Not Warning Bicyclist Of Pothole

A photographer that hung out waiting for a someone to eat crap (so he could take pictures) was arrested for “lying in wait” to take the pictures.

A photographer has come under fire in China for his pictures of a man falling off a bicycle.

The man came a spectacular cropper in Xiamen city after his bike hit a pot-hole submerged in rainwater.

But photographer Liu Tao was accused of lying in wait to take his pictures instead of warning people of the danger.


I originally saw it on Boing Boing.


That’s the only way I can sum up the Charger’s season. Now that they are officially not going to make the playoffs. They *should* be 14-1 at this point, but they aren’t… Instead they are 9-6.

All they need is to upgrade their defensive backs and maybe add another good wide receiver and it will be all good for next year.

On a positive note, the Raiders lost today too, so I don’t have to make sweet love to them.

Osama Bin Laden’s Niece Poses In GQ Magazine

I wonder if Osama bin Laden is super stoked about one of his “blood” posing for racy pictures in GQ magazine…

“The niece of the man who orchestrated the destruction of the World Trade Center seventy-eight blocks to the south has a point. After September 11, the name bin Laden (which is how itรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs spelled when referring to Osama) turned radioactive, borderline satanic-by-association. It made her feel cursed, presumed guiltyรขโ‚ฌโ€made her wonder if it might keep her from ever getting a record deal. So she took her motherรขโ‚ฌโ„ขs maiden name, Dufour, which makes for a better รฏยฌยrst impression, even though the bin Laden taint is always there.”

Wafah Dufour (changed her last name from bin Laden) is in this month’s GQ:


President Bush Is An Upfront Guy

President George W. Bush, 2004:

“[T]here are such things as roving wiretaps. Now, by the way, any time you hear the United States government talking about wiretap, it requires — a wiretap requires a court order. Nothing has changed, by the way. When we’re talking about chasing down terrorists, we’re talking about getting a court order before we do so. It’s important for our fellow citizens to understand, when you think Patriot Act, constitutional guarantees are in place when it comes to doing what is necessary to protect our homeland, because we value the Constitution.”

In case you don’t know what’s going on in the world, it was recently leaked that Bush has allowed the government since 2002 to do wiretaps on US citizens without a court order in order to “fight terrorism”, which according to many members of Congress (including Republicans), is illegal.

Even if it’s not illegal, I know Bush couldn’t disclose a classified directive publicly, but why does he need to go into so much detail about how it would never be possible. He should have stopped after the first sentence IMO.

Saw it on Boing Boing

Brett Tabke Blog/Commodore 64 Stuff

For the uber geek (hey, that’s me), having a blog in your robots.txt is a pretty fun idea.


It’s a nice minimalist approach to content that I personally like. It’s like a throwback to .plan or if you want to go even further back the days of C=64 boards (as Brett mentions). I myself ran a C*Base board.

This Commodore talk made me feel nostalgic and I *almost* unpacked my Commodore and CMD hard drive and fired up Dream Park (my old BBS) just to play around with it. But uhm, then I didn’t. ๐Ÿ™‚

Instead, I Googled around to see if there were any references to me and my board on the Internet. And I found some…

Driven Issue #9 (now I just need to find a reader for this thing). I think I had lots of crap in the Propaganda disk mag too, but I can’t find that online.

Those days were definitely the most fun I had coding. When computers had limited resources you certainly had to be creative to do things. For example I pretty much rewrote the C*Base software to be 100% memory resident. Leaving enough free memory for variables and other crap, that means the BBS software itself was pruned down to about 35k (that included users, voting, message boards, file upload/downloads, etc.) Or how I ran the board on a Commodore 128 (but in 64 mode) so I could tap the 2Mhz processor of the 128 vs. the 1Mhz processor on the “normal” 64. Ahhhh… the good ol’ days. ๐Ÿ™‚

– Cyborg/F4CG+Avantgarde+Genesis

I found a Commodore 64 emulator for Mac OS X, and loaded up Driven #9. Amazing what a dork I was (am??). Here’s one of the pages from my “interview”…

I Could Grow To Love The Raiders

I can’t ever remember a time where I actually wanted the Raiders to win a football game, but I do believe that time is upon us. If the San Diego Chargers beat the Kansas CIty Chiefs (hopefully they will) and the Oakland Raiders beat the Denver Broncos… then guess what?

That sets up a San Diego/Denver showdown for the AFC West title in San Diego on new years eve.

Someone needs to go digging around in Randy Moss’ butt and see if they can pull an upset out of his ass.

“Please Santa, all I want for Christmas is for the Raiders to beat Denver. Oh, and peace on earth too.”

Letterman Subject Of Restraining Order

Colleen Nestler of Santa Fe, New Mexico was actually granted a restraining order against David Letterman because she says he used code words on Late Night to show he wanted to marry her and train her as his co-host. According to the documents, Letterman has forced her to go bankrupt and caused her mental cruelty and sleep deprivation since May 1994.

She wrote that she began sending Letterman “thoughts of love” after his “Late Show” began in 1993, and that he responded in code words and gestures, asking her to come East. She said he asked her to be his wife during a televised “teaser” for his show by saying, “Marry me, Oprah.” Her letter said Oprah was the first of many code names for her and that the coded vocabulary increased and changed with time.

Nestler requested that Letterman, who tapes his show in New York, stay at least 3 yards away and not “think of me, and release me from his mental harassment and hammering.”

I have one word for that lady – Hahahahahahahaahahaha!

What I Want For Christmas

In order from cheapest to most expensive:

Ferrari F430 Coupe

Price: $174,585
Color To Get Me: Titanium (if you are going to get me all the cars, get this one in yellow. Too many silver cars otherwise.)

Aston Martin V12 Vanquish S

Price: $255,000
Color To Get Me: Titanium

Rolls-Royce Phantom

Price: $328,750
Color To Get Me: Black

Mercedes-Benz SLR

Price: $450,000
Color To Get Me: Silver

$1,208,335 for 4 cars. hahaha

Now, if you would rather get me something a little more exotic, these are your options…

Chrysler ME Four-Twelve

Price: ~$650,000
Color To Get Me: Silver

Ferrari Enzo

Price: ~$1,000,000
Color To Get Me: Red

McLaren F1

Price: ~$1,400,000
Color To Get Me: Who Cares?

Chargers Are The Grinch

San Diego was the team that went into New England and beat the Patriots at home for the first time in years (21 straight home game victories). Now they went to Indianapolis and treated Peyton Manning like the little bitch that he is. Indianapolis was the NFLs only unbeaten team (13-0) and San Diego killed their aspirations of an undefeated season.

Peyton Manning isn’t all that great. Maybe Indianapolis will bring Ryan Leaf out of retirement to give them a real quarterback. ๐Ÿ™‚

I Run With My Face

Not exactly the proper treadmill technique (I’m assuming anyway). “Are jeans and a jacket the proper running attire?”

Man, I could watch this over and over for hours and keep laughing I think. What the hell is the blonde chick doing? ๐Ÿ™‚

P.S. – Does anyone know how to convert an animated GIF to a Quicktime movie (still need it)?