I know it’s rather unpatriotic to sell my citizenship to any country who gives me the lowest income tax rate, but well… it’s all good. I did a little (very little) research and found places like Russia have a 13% flat income tax rate (no wonder they can’t afford to launch their Soyuz). 🙂
Hopefully if I move my business and servers to another country, if it would be considered US income tax if I didn’t actually *work* while in the US… I could just live here as a permanent tourist. {shrug}
Anyway, if you are a representative of a country, you may place a bid here in comments, but please be advised it’s not a legally binding bid until I receive the notarized version (see below).
To the countries bidding:
Please remember that it’s an excellent investment, as I should be able to generate a good income tax revenue stream for you over the course of my lifetime.
While I can’t promise anything, I’m pretty smart, so I might do something cool like win a Nobel Peace Prize or perfect cold fusion (which would bring notoriety to your country).
Upon request, I can offer a few years of my US income tax records so you can make an educated bid.
I don’t really care if I have the right to vote (if it’s allowed in your country).
Please don’t bid on my citizenship if you are just looking for soldiers for your army or community service workers. I’m not going to do any sort of government assigned job.
All bids must be notarized with an original signature of your respective leader (president, prime minister, supreme overlord, etc.)
I will consider inter-planetary citizenship at my sole discretion, but please keep in mind that bids from countries outside of Earth are not legally binding.
If you grew up watching the Charlie Brown’s Great Pumpkin thing, you will think this is funny (unless of course you have no sense of humor). Thanks to Alison for letting me rip her off on this one. 🙂
I have to thank my old roommate Tracy for this… she apparently thinks of me whenever she hears this song. haha Great.
The RIAA/MPAA should take a note here… I never heard of this song until Tracy told me to go find it on YouTube… and I just purchased the whole album via iTunes Music Store because of it. I would have never gone to the store to buy it, but one-click purchasing of the album makes it easy. Now if you could just do this with DVDs, I would buy/watch more. And I guarantee I don’t have a unique viewpoint.
OAKLAND, (CA)–Oakland Raiders football practice was delayed nearly two hours today after a player reported finding an unknown white powdery substance on the practice field. Head coach Art Shell immediately suspended practice and called the police and federal investigators. After a complete analysis, FBI forensic experts determined that the white substance unknown to players was the GOAL LINE. Practice resumed after special agents decided the team was unlikely to encounter the substance again.
I’m not sure if this is supposed to be a joke, or what… but this guy might as well been speaking Chinese and doing backflips. I think I may be able to put one in my new car (maybe)…
So I’ve been wearing this Indian dress pajama thing for a few days now, and I’m starting to feel more and more Indian… so I took another picture so you guys can tell me what you think. 🙂
Actually it was Photoshopped (hah, really??) by a couple of Digital Point users, but it turned out rather funny I think. 🙂
Note: I just posted this while driving 70mph on the freeway. I don’t recommend… not safe, and very hard.
Okay, so you know how my car got stolen a few weeks ago? I just had an epiphany and realized what really happened to it…
The MPAA/Universal Studios hired someone to steal my car. They didn’t do it because just want to annoy me or because they thought it had anything cool in it (which it didn’t… except for my sunglasses). Nope… the real reason is they want to see if I would lie to my insurance company to try and claim I had other stuff in it which I didn’t, then have my car magically turn up with whatever stuff they were hoping I would claim not there. Then they could somehow use that against me to show my “bad character”. 🙂
Oh… speaking of my car, it looks like it’s going to be around 7 weeks before I have a replacement. I had to put in a special order to get the exact one I had before (color and options), so they have to build it especially for me. Lame.
This aired a week ago, but it’s still funny and it just recently showed up on Google Video (they aren’t letting you embed the video unfortunately, so you need to click the link). 🙂
Sometimes it’s great fun (heh, okay…) to publish blog entries in the future. For example when this entry appears on the blog, I’ll be at Dane Cook’s show at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.
Looks like Adam Sandberg did a followup to the widely popular “The Chronic – what? – cles of Narnia” Saturday Night Live skit. Not quite as funny, but still funny. Especially with all the Chuck Norris hoopla going on lately.