If you have been living in a hole the last couple years and you have never heard of Dane Cook (comedian), you need to go check him out. Funny. 🙂

Check out his site over here.
If you have been living in a hole the last couple years and you have never heard of Dane Cook (comedian), you need to go check him out. Funny. 🙂
Check out his site over here.
Good stuff. 🙂
Even Google Maps got a mention in their video. hehe
Well, it looks like Jessica Simpson won the coveted “Housewife Of The Year” awards this year. Although her cover shot on Rolling Stone magazine looks like it might have been ripped off from this Asian guy.
When you get crazy people calling you trying to sell you something, I always try to keep them on the phone as long as possible so they get more annoyed than I am that they called in the first place.
Today for example some dude called wanting to collect bad debt that people owe me. Except I told him in the beginning that no one owes me anything.
This basically goes around and around in a circle for about 20 minutes, finally he decides to ask me a question that I’m supposed to answer “Yes” to so he can say something smart and hang up on me. But he couldn’t even trick me into saying “Yes”. haha
I win. 🙂
While sitting, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles with it.
Now, while doing this, draw the number “6” in the air with your right hand and your foot will change direction.
Stupid, but true…
Companies trying to sell you crap are so annoying these days. They call and make up stories/lies trying to phish information out of you.
This is really the only joke I know, but I think it’s pretty damn funny. Allison (my friend’s girlfriend) told it to me like 2 years ago, and I still think it’s funny, so here goes…
With a look of disbelief, he steps back and says, “Whoa! That’s a big word for a 12 year old.”
Hmmm, it’s not as funny when you read it, but tell it to a friend, they will think it’s funny. 🙂