One of the pictures that almost got us all thrown in jail. We took pictures of our poker table, which is forbidden because it’s a “Nevada gaming device”.

Uhm, how do you like your hand there Shoe’? 🙂
(picture ripped off from Shandy King, so if you want to arrest anyone, it’s him. I know nothing.)
Curious how that picture was taken – image quality is pretty good – better than what you see with most Cell Phone Camera’s and pocket digicams.
I don’t see any camera in my hand and I found that picture on the web, so arrest someone else!
Funny thing about that picture, Shoe showed me his hand pre-flop and forgot. That happened a few times but at that moment I think he thought he had me beat…
Judging from the position the picture was taken, it couldn´t have been me either…
lucky me – I figured, if they would go after someone, it´d probably the stupid german in lederhosens LOL 🙂
Definitely wasn’t me – I left Brian’s camera behind in the limo. No pictures for me!
Process of elimination is beginning to make it sticky… Who’s going to jail?
It’s photoshopped. CGI and all that. That should keep all of you out of jail.
Hey hey hey.. since you posted that i been getting weird calls from Vegas.. I think they are after me.. George prolly told his boys to get us..
Was fun hangin out..
Here is the guilt party. Took a bit of convincing to come forward but….
lol they’re gonna arrest y’all all 🙂