So I’ve been wearing this Indian dress pajama thing for a few days now, and I’m starting to feel more and more Indian… so I took another picture so you guys can tell me what you think. 🙂

Actually it was Photoshopped (hah, really??) by a couple of Digital Point users, but it turned out rather funny I think. 🙂
Note: I just posted this while driving 70mph on the freeway. I don’t recommend… not safe, and very hard.
LOL, WAY FUNNY, Just shows us what a nice sleep dress can get you. Even when your old and shot out.
i just can’t stop laughing.
now that u r turning into an indian, we could rename u :p like in south india, shanmughan(not much but close to Shawn Hogan) and for a punjabi with a turban… hmmm lemme think, shana turban 😛
Seriously though, who in the hell is the chick? I’m glad she has her hand in my crotch, but what’s her name?
saw her in 2/3 movies… but herez the detail
Okay, THAT is hilarious. I especially like the Meet the Fockers posters…haha
I’ll take some credit, but the posters were real… Shawn just can’t get enough of that movie!
At the next Indian DP meet with Amit and co, you will blend right in. 😀
You should be in a temple on top of the Himalaya and have annoying callers come on a pilgramage whenevr they have a tool support request 😀
Dont worry shawn……….
Next meet we would be calling that Mallika Sherawat as a guest 😀 😀 😀
Hi Shawn, Welcome to India. You are really an indian with that head dress and hot chick in laps. 😀
Some one will sue you for putting up that picture there. I would suggest you take this picture off or ammend it a bit.
The turban shown in that pic is worn by sikh people and they are forbidden to use a hukka which you are holding in the pic.
Not being an ass here but this could lead to some serious implications.
I bet who ever photoshoped it knew what he was doing and he or she is from India.
The first look and it was obvious it was digitaly modified.. anyways it looks cool have Malika in your arms lol..
with so many indian members in dp it is just matter of time you too become and Indian ha ha ha..
BTW me too an Indian 😉
u better take tat pic off buddy…our religion is not some game for u guys to make fun of
let him be its not offending our religion he just having a laugh. I believe he has put his own pic in a turban with a woman n that… I find it slightly amusing and not offensive… relax brothers
Please take this picture off from there.It is a polite request.
Parminder Singh Chahal
Please take this picture off from there.It is a polite request again.
Parminder Singh Chahal
Dude…why the heck are you surds so uptight about your religion man? This is the 21st century dude…so just chill. Everyone has a freedom of speech on the internet and if this offends you, just let it pass.
all thing is ok but this babe is realy hot and sexy.
Wat you think?
I am intrested in knowing the software used tomake it
please inform me aditya_great2007@rediffm,
should be in funny pictures