Weird Stuff Random Quotes September 14, 2009 Shawn 6 Comments So I found a draft post for this blog from about 3 years ago that I forgot to post (oops). Better late than never, right? Kerry arguing with another girl about how I found a plane ticket for cheaper: “He’s a programmer, how can you expect me to compete with that??” {name withheld (because he’s a bitch)} “My wiener is so small you would need an electron scanning microscope to see it.” Bobby (talking about his Blackberry Pearl) “i slept w./ my phone last night made amelia sleep on floor she was pissed but who cares – can I use her as a Bluetooth modem??? turns out, i can – but slow as hell”
“So I found a draft post for this blog from about 3 years ago” :))))) i am posting to do not ban me for multiple accounts(he…he…) in your forum you’re ban me for more 3 months anyway, i am still your fan Reply
Dont know how to contact you so commenting here in your blog, why DP is not opening here in india? data base error is showing from this morning i’m not able to access the forum, please do something so we can enjoy DP. thanks -irfan- Reply
Dude fix your forum, it’s been on the fritz for a couple days now. You need another server cluster for it. lol Reply
“So I found a draft post for this blog from about 3 years ago” :)))))
anyway, i am still your fan
So what happened with the MPAA/RIAA lawsuit?
Dont know how to contact you so commenting here in your blog, why DP is not opening here in india? data base error is showing from this morning i’m not able to access the forum, please do something so we can enjoy DP. thanks
Shawn, why is digitalpoint so slow ?
Dude fix your forum, it’s been on the fritz for a couple days now.
You need another server cluster for it. lol
lol very nice post .. and who is bobby ? good idea to use her as a bluetooth lol