Digital Camera magazine has some really cool photos people took of animals for their photographer of the year contest… the top 3 were these:

You can find more over here:
Digital Camera magazine has some really cool photos people took of animals for their photographer of the year contest… the top 3 were these:
You can find more over here:
who took that picture of the White Tiger…did they sign the photo with the nub that was left after it ate his/her arm off?
These photos are all insane.
welll tigers do not like water just a little bit or they do not love it we have a aunt that has like so many animals and they do not love water so ha ha ha
Is that 1st one Yashi? That looks like the same psycho cat that tries to lick my skin off whenever I’m at your house…
Ain’t digital cool!
That tiger photo is only the second scariest thing you could see underwater after a great white shark!
What the heck, I thought tigers were afraid of water. Bizarre
Ummmm no – these are TIGERS and TIGERS LOVE water….
no they do not love water just sometimes when they get warm i would no because i have an aunt that has way more animals then u do
These pictures are the fattest things ever! They didn’t even put any bunny pics in!
The previous comment was brought to you by: CHEESE! It’s better than your face!
NOTE: I would like to sue whoever put these pics up.
This is to Steve if you would like to sue someone for these awsome picture…Than you might as well sue yourself!
These are great pictures and what a great idea to have a contest!
God Bless
These pics are awsome!
URGH! Curse you school computers! Can’t even see picture ‘cuz of surf control!
Curse these school computers! Can’t see picture.
Those r so wierd…i mean it looks like a cat with spikes on its tongue
I was just browsing google looking for something to do and I came across this website. You are right these are cool. especily the first one of the cat licking its fur… hey I’m not going to lie to you, you did a way better job on a websight than i wuold do. by the way, you are awesome BYE
Hello, I am like so bored. do you know why? you are completely boring to everyone. you are a freakin’ loser you jerk. how could you say that about me? dont ever talk to me again………. I hate you and your website!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!jerk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…….
hi everyone just letting u know me and my friends are awesomr than u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thankyou and good nite new york
wow! I love cats … and if they are amazed these photos, I loved them!
this was an amazing picture thank you for taking such a wonderful picture keep it up and please keep putting these pictures on line
the meat was put in the picture afterwards -_-