The Chargers sent more players this year to the Pro Bowl than any other team in NFL history (the previous record was 8 players). 5 of the players going to the Pro Bowl this year for the Chargers are going to be Pro Bowl starters as well. Another 5 Chargers are Pro Bowl alternates.
Shawn. I live in Indy and I’m a big Colts fan. There is no question that SD has a better squad this year and in nearly all cases, if the SD played Indy, SD would prevail. But I have this optimism about me. And, although the Indy defense is about as good as a pee-wee team, I have this feeling that unlike last year, Indy is not going to choke. Car to take a $1.00 bet that Indy could role SD?
I’m fully prepared to eat these words, I will have you know. But, that’s my $00.10.
Now, I have not seen anything new on the Winn/Sims fiasco. Is there any way you could do something to stir it up a little for them (us)? Perhaps something just slightly inflammatory? Perhaps you could h-link some adult material to the site?
When is the trial for MPAA?
Did that LaVern Thompson guy make it in?
Yeah the pro bowl this year is gonna be SD vs the NFC.. wanna go????