It’s My God Damn Birthday!

Today is a glorious event… It is the anniversary of the day that I was brought forth into this world to entertain you with my random musings.

September 1st, 1975 is when I was born. That means my parents were doing the naughty deed on New Years Eve.

More importantly, I have 2 friends in real life and both of them are too cheap to buy me a card (it’s really a sad life I lead to be honest). So what I want for my birthday is for people reading my blog to write “Happy Birthday Shawn” on something and take a picture of it with themselves and post it. Bonuses will be awarded if it’s a tattoo, if you are a hot girl or if you are a big fat dude.

Also, I will commit seppuku if I get none.


Okay, I just realized that New Years was 8 months before, not 9. Oh well… whatever. Doing the naughty deed around Thanksgiving I guess.

54 thoughts on “It’s My God Damn Birthday!”

  1. oh! great for the updates, i thought you are one of the premature birth baby already,,

    hahahah! any way, Happy Birthday Again..
    crash great a party for yourself…
    can’t wait to watch your party pictures…

  2. I tried to write “Happy Birthday Shawn” on Kuta with a sharpie, but it did not come out legible…I will have to think of something else and get back to you ;).

    Hmmmmm, I can borrow Yashi for a sec?

  3. Well Happy God Damn Birthday Shawn! Haha Have a great one man! Unfortunately my camera’s broken or I would’ve had my two kittens hold up a sign with a the requested >.

  4. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHAWN! I wrote it on my butt BUT realized I needed a panaramic camera for that thing. PLUS, probably your mom’s butt is among the unthinkable (or should be!

  5. abulhasnaat is awesome. I am laughing out loud and crying. qbarth – I’m feelin’ ya…great idea, but you had a very good point. Hence, I called one of Summers models and talked her into the tattoo…sorry it wasnt me shawn. Oh yeah, you owe this chick $500k.


  6. actually, the gestation period is closer to 9 1/2 – 10 months (what they don’t tell you). So its more like Thanksgiving.

    my b-day was yesterday, we’re birthday buddies. πŸ˜‰

  7. Hey Shawn,

    Happy B – Day!

    Man. My camera just broke, I am a fat guy and I would have held a sign for ya..

    Anyhow – Have an awesome Day! > πŸ™‚

    Joe Tamargo

  8. Probably not… I would love to, but I have my whole thing going on too, so… πŸ™‚ Tell Dan Happy Birthday if I don’t make it.

  9. Sorry for mini-flooding the birthday wishes. I did some gps based exploring. Was going to deliver you a present because I was too busy/lazy to draw on myself or make up a sign.

    Feels like I’m wishing you a happy belated birthday in regards to internet/blogpost time, but you still have several hours left.

  10. Stevie, were you wearing a white shirt and light blue jeans, short black hair and at the plot yesterday evening? If so, thanks for the obscene gestures to the camera πŸ™‚ That was me ‘checking you out’ from a few thousand miles away…

    BTW I’m surprised at the neat hand writing in this contest… I thought most of us from the digital age long lost that art. At least I have.

  11. Your blog is nice Shawn, I just come across it now, My account was disable at dp and I am looking for someone to complain to, that is how I come across your blog. Happy Birthday Shawn, I wish you many happy return, long life, …

  12. Alright Mofo here ya go…first let me point out this picture is not me ..I have mosquito bites. This is one of my stalkers who mails me pictures that I turned into a lovely card for you:-)

    Second..well you know you saw this one coming

    Third..drunk Irish

    Fourth not my best work but you get too see what 8 months of braces can make your teeth look like and what my eyes look like after 4 beers and how I am a text nerd in a crowded bar…yeah… so even when I am doing something for you is still about me I guees:-P *lick*

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