Today is a glorious event… It is the anniversary of the day that I was brought forth into this world to entertain you with my random musings.
September 1st, 1975 is when I was born. That means my parents were doing the naughty deed on New Years Eve.
More importantly, I have 2 friends in real life and both of them are too cheap to buy me a card (it’s really a sad life I lead to be honest). So what I want for my birthday is for people reading my blog to write “Happy Birthday Shawn” on something and take a picture of it with themselves and post it. Bonuses will be awarded if it’s a tattoo, if you are a hot girl or if you are a big fat dude.
Also, I will commit seppuku if I get none.
oh! great for the updates, i thought you are one of the premature birth baby already,,
hahahah! any way, Happy Birthday Again..
crash great a party for yourself…
can’t wait to watch your party pictures…
Happy frickin birthday! I didn’t have time for a tatoo but I think you will appreciate this almost as much. Hope your birthday istotally tits!
P.S. You are old.
umm….happy birthday.
I tried to write “Happy Birthday Shawn” on Kuta with a sharpie, but it did not come out legible…I will have to think of something else and get back to you ;).
Hmmmmm, I can borrow Yashi for a sec?
And to think I was going to get you Alessandra for your birthday instead
Happy B’day Shawn
Well Happy God Damn Birthday Shawn! Haha Have a great one man! Unfortunately my camera’s broken or I would’ve had my two kittens hold up a sign with a the requested >.
Kittens??? Jake eats kittens for breakfast… Happy Birthday Shawn
(my whippet wasn’t too thrilled about the photo-op)
(yes it is a slow morning)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, SHAWN! I wrote it on my butt BUT realized I needed a panaramic camera for that thing. PLUS, probably your mom’s butt is among the unthinkable (or should be!
happy birthday Shawn
did you mean this seppuku?
=) peace
Happy Birthday ,Shawn!!
I wrote “Happy Birthday ,Shawn” on my finger,but currently I can’t find my camera
I’m writing “Happy Birthday Shawn” on your blog …
Hey shawn happy birthday from a Indian
and dp rocks 
Hope all your dreams get fulfilled
Happy birthday, Shawn!
September 1st is the best birthday EVER! In fact, it’s my brithday, too!
Happy September Fools day!
abulhasnaat is awesome. I am laughing out loud and crying. qbarth – I’m feelin’ ya…great idea, but you had a very good point. Hence, I called one of Summers models and talked her into the tattoo…sorry it wasnt me shawn. Oh yeah, you owe this chick $500k.
Here ya go, man!
Didn’t work
Here it is:
Funk in A!!!!!I couldn’t insert the picture into the comment, of course. See the
Happy Birthday Shawn Tattoo here.
See the
Happy Birthday Shawn Tattoo here.
i need more coffee…
Happy Birthday Shawn! whatcha gonna do today???
Happy Birthday dude, no pic, but I may send you a post card from Amsterdam.
yeah, happy birthday.
actually, the gestation period is closer to 9 1/2 – 10 months (what they don’t tell you). So its more like Thanksgiving.
my b-day was yesterday, we’re birthday buddies.
Here’s my picture:
Happy Birthday! From me and this guy even though I have no idea who he is.
For all you “know it alls” is was 12/12….haha! TMI TMI !!!
Hey Shawn,
Happy B – Day!
Man. My camera just broke, I am a fat guy and I would have held a sign for ya..
Anyhow – Have an awesome Day! >
Joe Tamargo
thanks, mom.
I wanna ask how you know about 12/12 but I believe I know the answer … something about intuition.
Sick dude.
Happy birthday!!! Are you coming disco bowling tonight???
Probably not… I would love to, but I have my whole thing going on too, so…
Tell Dan Happy Birthday if I don’t make it.
Weren’t I the first person to PM you “Happy Birthday”
Many Many happy returns of the day bro
Have a good one ….
And here’s my stinking entry…
Happy birthday!
Details to be added later…Is this you?
Seppuku is too messy, try Sudoku instead.
Get anything nice?
Happy Birthday Shawn! Have an Octoberfest, on me!
Here it is
It may move here soon
Sorry for mini-flooding the birthday wishes. I did some gps based exploring. Was going to deliver you a present because I was too busy/lazy to draw on myself or make up a sign.
Feels like I’m wishing you a happy belated birthday in regards to internet/blogpost time, but you still have several hours left.
AH hA! It was Stevievep! We were wondering who the crazy wanderer was! Hahahaha
Stevie, were you wearing a white shirt and light blue jeans, short black hair and at the plot yesterday evening? If so, thanks for the obscene gestures to the camera
That was me ‘checking you out’ from a few thousand miles away…
BTW I’m surprised at the neat hand writing in this contest… I thought most of us from the digital age long lost that art. At least I have.
Happy birthday
Your blog is nice Shawn, I just come across it now, My account was disable at dp and I am looking for someone to complain to, that is how I come across your blog. Happy Birthday Shawn, I wish you many happy return, long life, …
@Johan…sorry. That must have been someone else. I had on a light grey shirt.
Oh great… someone found it. heh
I know your birthday is over, I already wished you in the forums in that looooong thread about your birthday.
Here is something to post on your picture collection of birthday greetings.
Alright Mofo here ya go…first let me point out this picture is not me ..I have mosquito bites. This is one of my stalkers who mails me pictures that I turned into a lovely card for you:-)
Second..well you know you saw this one coming
Third..drunk Irish
Fourth not my best work but you get too see what 8 months of braces can make your teeth look like and what my eyes look like after 4 beers and how I am a text nerd in a crowded bar…yeah… so even when I am doing something for you is still about me I guees:-P *lick*
oh yeah here is another one..
Happy Buddaee shawny Bravo;) may DP always rocks
Happy Birthday Shawn! I wish I had the time to get a tattoo but the best picture I could come up with is from Sundaybrew. Again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Huggggggssssss,Huggggggsssss and more Huggggggssssssss.
P.S. If your really good then maybe next year,Lore :0)
the free translations of “Happy Birthday” in loads of languages is here if you want it…
Hey Shawn just 7 more days left for your next birthday “Happy Birthday ” To You In advance.
By the way how old you will be this birthday.