Someone has a little too much time on their hands I think. 🙂
The only function of the Suspicious Looking device is to appear as suspicious as possible, whether carried in hand or placed indiscrimately in public places.
The SLD contains LEDs, a LED array, a character display, an optical distance sensor, capacitive touch sensor, buzzer, and motors.

Dude, that’s a ghost trap from Ghostbusters. You know, they slide it out suck the ghosts in and then deposit the ghosts in the Ecto-3 containment unit.
What exactly were you looking for when you came across this?
Just like James mentioned… an ectoplasm containment unit.
Did you find one?
Necessary for Halloween coming up, I guess.
quite boring, its more fun to run arround with a beeping voltmeter and a yellow or orange toxic waste protection suit in the city, at the beach, in the park 🙂