I threw together a time lapse of the basement being built. The end of it is today, when they took all the forms off the basement walls and we actually have freestanding concrete walls. Now for the waterproofing of the walls…
The movie runs through 4 hours per second. The resolution is a bit lame, but hey… can’t keep YouTube from down sampling it.
Cool, you finally did it!
Now, it would be cool if you could post a “how to” so I can do the same thing when I build my own castle in France
that is so cool! now can you fast forward it till the house is finished??
That can’t be your house. It’s too small, looks like you could fit only 2 or 3 of that white truck in there, but I could just have bad judgement.
Ben – it’s easy… get one of these cameras, mount it in a dome and then use my spiffy PHP class to control it on a schedule.
Then use Quick Movie to stitch the images together into a movie.
Patrick – That’s the basement, not the whole house (the basement does not have the same floor plan as the first floor).
Sweeeeeeeeeeet! cool stuff!!
Yeah, it’s OK i Guess
Though if you added some Benny Hill music it would be AWESOME!
haha…benny hill music would be perfect.
This is exciting stuff….lets play poker in the basement this weekend…
This is off topic, but I thought you would especially enjoy it, Shawn:
Definately needs the Benny Hill music!
How about a live feed of the house site, some of us have nothing better to do you know. I think http://www.stickam.com will let you broadcast a live feed for free.
There is a live feed, but it’s not public.
Very cool! So am I crazy to want a basement. The architect just told us it could cost $800k for just the basement. Any tips? Please email me directly if you do have some advice!