Alpine IVA-W200 Shipping

Now that I know what car stereo I’m going to put in my truck, I started to look around for the IVA-W200 online to see if it’s available anywhere (no point in going to a local store to have it installed if it’s not available yet). Even though none of the online retailers have it yet, the official release date is listed as “March 2006” so I decided to call a local shop to see if they know when it’s going to be available. Apparently it’s available now, but so far all the units in the shipments have been purchased before the shipments arrive. The guy pretty much said I had to pay for it and then that will put me in line for one.

I guess that’s good news to know Alpine is actually shipping the product already. 🙂


A quick check on eBay does show they are starting to show up, so I suppose the guy at the place I called wasn’t bullshitting me trying to get me to come in. 🙂

Snowboarding At Bear Mountain

I found my new favorite “secret powder spot” at Bear Mountain today (it’s off the Silver Mountain lift). The only bad part about it is you need to take 2 different lifts to get to it if you ride through it.

Julien wrecked himself snowboarding today in what was quite possibly the funniest snowboarding crash in the history of the world… DAMN I wish I had a video of it!!!

Chew Gum Instead Of Brush Teeth

Cool. 🙂


There’s a new product in development that could change your nightly ritual forever.

The Wrigley Gum Company has paired up with the U.S. military to create an anti-bacterial chewing gum that actually cleans teeth so soldiers wouldn’t have to stop what they’re doing to brush their pearly whites.

If the military signs on to it, there’s a good chance it will end up in your medicine cabinet one day.