I don’t know why I find this funny, but I do…
Texas lawmaker Al Edwards proposed a bill (which passed on a 85-55 vote) that specifically forbids cheerleaders to do “sexy cheers”, “shake their behinds” and/or “break it down”. What exactly is “breaking it down” anyway?
That’s our tax dollars being well spent. 🙂
BTW, does anyone else think Al Edwards looks like Morgan Freeman’s long lost twin brother?
Homey got to be crazi, how do you outlaw that in the state of the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders.
Has to be for attention only because it has zero chance of passing in the state of Texas.
Funny stuff, G is nuts, they should outlaw this lawmaker.
Read my post… it already passed. 🙂
Yeah seen that after my post, this law will be a major waste of time, who is going to enforce it?
Whoa…I’m am definately not going to Texas if I can’t “break it down”. Do you think the law extends to former cheerleaders visiting from out of state? Isn’t targeting cheerleaders discrimination? I mean, come on, cheerleaders arn’t the only ones that “shake their behinds” or “break it down”.
Yes, you are right
Yeah I wit ya on that there dawg, that dude be messed up in da head a bit or just be gay.
yeah lol umm how can we cheer and dance if we cant!!!!!!!! its like a big part of our job!! seriously thats stupid!!