Did you know that you can publish to your blog simply by sending an email? I didn’t until I noticed it under the Email tab under Preferences.
This is my first post ever that I published without logging into Blogger. Let’s hope it works. 🙂
Did you know that you can publish to your blog simply by sending an email? I didn’t until I noticed it under the Email tab under Preferences.
This is my first post ever that I published without logging into Blogger. Let’s hope it works. 🙂
Any idea how to publish after you send the email without having to log onto blogger and publish the blog?
Click the “Publish” checkbox on the preferences screen where you set the email address.
It automatically publishes the post when you send it.
I noticed this when I first set-up a blogger account as I went through every feauture they have and must say its great.
I sometimes even publish on the go by using wap, check out this post http://www.toseef.com/2004/08/ive-clocked-it-now-i-can-blog-from.html – the only problem I have is that I have a limited of amount of characters to submit and have to enter new lines by inserting \n into my phone.
If I had a pda that would be great
Toseef aka Seefy aka Piniyini
please give detailed step by step to send blog by e-mail