Shoemoney had an interesting post where he posts some of the analytic stats for his blog, so I decided to do a little of the same (I’m too lazy to take a bunch of screenshots and make them all fancy with shadows like he did, but here’s one for you…)
Thankfully, the #1 keyword (besides my name) is amputee porn. haha nice!
Also, the “goal 1” that is defined are Google AdSense clicks (tracked with the script I made to do it). Interesting to see the click through ratio variations depending on the entry keyword as well as how many pages of the blog someone views based on keyword (for example people searching for Shawn Hogan or Weird Stuff tended to browse around a lot).
The majority of my traffic comes from referrals not search engines (the #1 referral for the year was, but search engine keywords are much funner to look at. 🙂

first comment!
nice post
Awesome… this is basically your life in a nutshell (with a few exceptions)
Your name is Shawn Hogan, you love frisbee golf, you drive an H2, you like your car audio system and most of all you obviously love Amputee porn and naked girls.
Lastly, you have an amazing corn beef recipe! I’m counting down the days till next St. Patty’s day. Anne loved it and “she doesn’t even like corn beef and cabbage”. 🙂
Hahaha… yeah, it kind of a slice of my life in a nutshell, eh? 🙂
If this is your life, i don’t get the “do I have a large frog in my hair joaquin phoenix” search. Actually, I don’t get it any way. Anyone?
Joaquin on drugs possibly? Lick certain frogs backs and your brain can go all wonky. Do I have a large frog in my hair Joaquin Phoenix.
You could probably profit from that amputee porn traffic…
I would assume there are affiliate programs for that niche?
Funner! Funner? Funner?!? Egads.
– Your English Teacher!
Amputee porn… talk about a niche market you have there 😉
“helicopter game” is my top key phrase oddly enough
how much traffic are you getting on this PR0 (for how long?) blog?
How comes there’re no searches for “Shawn Hogan Fan Club” ? 😀
Hello Shawn,
Here is something cool:
As you may know a number of companies have popped up to supply specific keyword services for a fee. The best of these is
You could check it out it for yourself. 🙂
Haha! That’s hilarious! Google Analytics is amazing! 🙂
“Google Analytics” works great for me, too. 😉
At least you’re not getting visitors that searched for “ball shaving techniques” (literally, within quotes) to find your WoW guild’s forum :S
Its cool keywords 🙂 with all number of visits but like google analytics its not perfact..anyway its good to see
Mayur Shah
hey shawn, im one of the big dp freaks:). It seems like there is still alot of good converting traffic coming in from social networks. I might wanna try to test this out also. Man i feel naked with being able to post on dp. Hopefully the new version will be up quick:)