Well first of all, I was just checking this site out because this is probably the most amazing homemade halloween costume ever made, but it gave me a really good marketing idea for the MPAA…
They should just setup an affiliate program and pay affiliate marketers 25% of the fees they collect from the lawsuits/threats. Dude, I would be the biggest affiliate marketer for the MPAA in the world (seriously, I can guarantee that). Anyway, here’s a freebie for the MPAA (if they want to do an “under the table” affiliate program, they have my address for the check)… 😉
Nate used Photoshop to enlarge an image of Wolverine’s claws from the X-Men movie that he had downloaded.
Oh also, I would like to turn in Mark Cuban for movie piracy. 🙂

A little too Taxi Driver
“Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me…”
I’d get the BSA (Business Software Alliance) involved too. I’d bet his copy of Photoshop was downloaded from a warez site.