Uncategorized Drugs In Your Head August 25, 2005 Shawn 4 Comments This is funny… 🙂 codebase=”//active.macromedia.com/flash2/cabs/swflash.cab#version=4,0,0,0″ width=465 height=350>
LMFAO why was I thinking that was Steve Buscemi? And what a classic line…“I may have snot on my top lip but least I’m not seeing Elvis inthe refrigerator” LOL Reply
LMFAO why was I thinking that was Steve Buscemi?
And what a classic line…“I may have snot on my top lip but least I’m not seeing Elvis inthe refrigerator” LOL
Whoa, that little guy should stay off the speed…;)
LOL that was great!
its a squirlle…………………….IT IS SO FUCKING FUNNY!